
Good Reads 推薦閱讀


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我們的成語 洋洋兔 BC 802.3 小學知識類 成語是寄寓於語言中的文化,文化是錘鍊自歷史的精華。成語是中文一大特色,通過運用成語,我們可以表達言簡意賅的意涵,增加文字語言的魅力。 只是什麼叫成語,成語來自何處,成語裡隱藏哪些故事、寓言、神話、歷史事件,成語和歇後語有什麼不同,知道的人並不多。 本書共介紹52個成語故事,還有關於成語的結構、變化、修辭等知識。只要打開本書,您就可以進入成語的密林。
穿越千年的黑嚕嚕探險 : 水墨的三大主題樂園 張美智 BC 943 小學知識類 本書聚焦水墨畫的三大題材:人物、山水、花鳥,讓兒童認識黑嚕嚕的美,進而培養藝術自主學習力。 在這本書裡,我們可以穿越一千年去交朋友,縮小身高到畫裡散步,在沒有器材的幫助下做生態記錄,還能透過書中的內容,提升眼睛看見細節與關鍵的能力。
這場戀愛是全世界最美的雨 宇山佳佑 MFC I6-04 中學中文少年小說 誠是初出茅廬的新手建築師,日菜在一家咖啡店工作,兩個人因為一場雨而展開戀情。他們在鎌倉的海邊城市,過著充滿愛的同居生活。但是,在某個下雨的日子,他們發生車禍,導致兩人身受重傷,瀕臨死亡。 當他們醒來時,一對身穿喪服,自稱是「嚮導」的男女出現在他們面前,宣佈帶給兩人「奇蹟」…… 這是以幸福為指標搶奪生命的制度。你們即將回到原來的生活,但是在未來的生活中,當其中一方感到幸福時,就會奪取對方一年的生命。相反地,如果感到不幸,就會被對方奪取一年的生命。
100% wolf Jayne Lyons FE LYO 小學英文少年小說 As the youngest in a noble line of werewolves and the son of the late legendary Flasheart Lupin, Freddy has high expectations to live up to. But his rite of passage quickly morphs into an episode of humiliation. Because Freddy doesn't turn into a wolf. He turns into a poodle. A funny and fast-paced adventure ensues, in which Freddy is thrown out of his pack, finds himself in the clutches of the dog pound, uncovers the truth about his brave father's mysterious death, and discovers that a werewolf hunter is planning to destroy all of his family and friendsand Freddy is the only one who can stop him.
Bad blood : secrets and lies in a Silicon Valley Startup John Carreyrou BME 548 中學英文知識類區 In 2014, Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes was widely seen as the female Steve Jobs: a brilliant Stanford dropout whose startup "unicorn" promised to revolutionize the medical industry with a machine that would make blood testing significantly faster and easier. Backed by investors such as Larry Ellison and Tim Draper, Theranos sold shares in a fundraising round that valued the company at more than $9 billion, putting Holmes's worth at an estimated $4.7 billion. There was just one problem: The technology didn't work.A riveting story of the biggest corporate fraud since Enron, a tale of ambition and hubris set amid the bold promises of Silicon Valley.
Six short sons Baiying Shen EE S Six sons go out into the world to make a living. When they return home, they all have stories about the kinds of jobs they found. Their parents are overjoyed and impressed with all of them, but one son is the most creative of all.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
魔法阿媽 : 豆豆的夏天 王小棣;查理小姐 EC J5-01 小學中文繪本 炎熱的暑假,豆豆回到阿媽家,準備迎接每年的盛大慶典。 在阿媽家的每一天,豆豆都有好多事要和阿媽一起做, 和酷羅與西羅玩、拔菜、做家事、上街買東西、逛燈會、放水燈、普渡拜拜…… 夜晚,再捏著阿媽的耳朵一起入眠。
小隕石的奇幻旅程 李威使 EFC K1-01小學中文兒童小說 在一場宇宙風暴中,小隕石墜落到地球,很幸運的,他找到了媽媽,但也很不幸的,他和爸爸走散了…… 決定啟程尋找爸爸的小隕石,卻不知道該從何找起?綠蠵龜啣著他、小男孩撿走他、富豪買了他,工匠甚至想要切割他……這趟驚險的旅程中,還會遇到多少麻煩事?小隕石最終能不能順利和爸爸重逢呢?
律政女王 III : 魔鬼圓舞曲 Aris雅豊斯 MFC A0-01 中學中文少年小說 為了成為律師,妳願意付出多大代價?在法律與政治的權力遊戲中,如何機關算盡、逆轉裁判? 你絕對不能錯過的「女王三部曲」─魔鬼的顫音、華麗的變奏、魔鬼圓舞曲一起翻開這本書來看看吧! 事到如今,我終於相信,將政治視為人生的志業,就是和魔鬼做交易! 國內最大幫派「山田會」掌門人、立法院院長王正龍的掌上明珠王雅惠,擅長劍道與柔道,從小立志要成為行俠仗義 、捍衛人權的律師。但在她歷經千辛萬苦終於考上律師,並順利完成「吃苦當吃補」的律師實習後,卻遲遲找不到受 僱律師職缺。最後她決定自行創立「俠義法律事務所」,而她的花美男直屬學弟林俊晏自願效勞擔任法務助理。
Wing & claw 1 : forest of wonders Linda Sue Park SF WIN 小學英文系列少年小說 Raffa Santana has always loved the mysterious Forest of Wonders. For a gifted young apothecary like him, every leaf has the potential to unleash a kind of magic.When an injured bat crashes into Raffa’s life, he invents a cure from a rare crimson vine that he finds deep in the Forest.
The explorers' club 1 : The polar bear explorers' club Alex Bell MSF EXP A precocious young girl is determined to prove herself as an explorer in the first novel in the whimsical Polar Bear Explorers’ Club series.Stella Starflake Pearl knows, without a doubt, that she was born to be an adventurer. It’s too bad girls are forbidden from becoming explorers. But Stella’s father has never been one to play by the rules.
Twenty-five December Lane Ward, Helen EE T It was the strangest shop she had ever seen and she couldn't recall having seen it before. As she pushed open the narrow door, she was greeted with the sight of every possible present. But will there be anything left once the shopper in front is finished?


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
我們的漢字 洋洋兔 BC 802.2 小學中文知識類 如果漢語是廣闊無垠的夜空,漢字便是璀璨耀眼的星子。 漢字除了是記錄語言的工具外, 它本身就是一幅畫、一頁歷史,甚至隱藏好多語言趣味。 但是漢字從哪裡來?有多少個? 它又是如何從甲骨文演變成為現在使用的文字?你知道嗎? 漢字背後的故事淵遠流長,趣味橫生。 讓我們走進書裡,一起去尋找問題的答案,了解漢字的前世今生吧。
魔法十年屋2:我把時間送給你 廣嶋玲子 譯者:王蘊潔 EFC P1-01 十年屋這次卻遇上客人要求寄放「嬰兒」! 究竟是什麼樣的母親會選擇把嬰兒託付給別人?十年屋真的會接受這種委託嗎? 想要保管「健康的腿」,讓自己的腳變成長滿魚鱗的怪腿, 利用魔法欺騙親友的女孩究竟又盤算著什麼?她的願望真的能如願以償嗎? 取回物品的那一刻,究竟是懊悔還是滿心歡喜呢? 每個人都有愛惜或是執著的事物, 六則關於親情、自我期許、懊悔、放棄執著、人際關係的故事, 將帶給你最溫暖的時光。 店長十年屋與管家貓客來喜永遠在此恭候您的大駕!
聯合國都在做什麼? 康昌勳 譯者:蕭素菁 BC 578 小學中文知識類 聯合國由大會、安全理事會、經濟暨社會理事會、國際法院、託管理事會、祕書處等六個機構所組成。 除了這六大機構之外,還有專門機構、獨立機構、政府間組織和附屬機構, 各個機構的關注議題有所不同,包羅萬象,包含經濟、農業、環境、海事、衛生……等。 除了定期召開大會之外,聯合國還有更多的任務及責任…… 在這個全球化的世界,國家的意義為何、聯合國在國與國之間扮演的角色,以及我們個人在世界中的定位。 一起翻開這本書來看看吧!
The Storm Runner Cervantes, J. C. SF STO Zane Obispo spends every day exploring the sleeping volcano in his backyard. ""The Beast,"" as he calls it, is the one place where he can escape other kids, who make fun of him because he has a limp and walks with a cane. After a twin-engine plane crashes into The Beast, a mysterious girl named Brooks shows up at Zane's doorstep, insisting that they meet at the volcano, where she will reveal a terrible secret. Zane agrees, mostly because beautiful girls like her don't usually talk to him. Brooks tells him that the volcano is actually a centuries-old prison for the Maya god of death, whose destiny is directly tied to Zane's. No way, Zane thinks. He's just a thirteen-year old nobody, and destiny or no destiny, he wants nothing to do with any of it, especially some god of death.
The Secret Promise Harrison, Paula SEF RES Princess Emily sometimes wishes that being a princess meant more than wearing fancy dresses and performing endless curtsies. She longs for a life-changing adventure-and she may just get one. Someone is plotting to hurt the deer who live in beautiful Mistberg Forest. Together with some new friends, Emily will have to use her smarts, her savvy, and even some newfound ninja skills to save them.
Read the Book, Lemmings! Ame Dyckman,Zachariah OHora EE R Aboard the S.S. Cliff, First Mate Foxy reads an interesting fact: Lemmings don't jump off cliffs. But Foxy can't get the lemmings on the Cliff to read his book, too. They're too busy jumping off. After a chilly third rescue, exasperated Foxy and grumbly polar bear Captain PB realize their naughty nautical crew isn't being stubborn: The lemmings (Jumper, Me Too, and Ditto) can't read. And until Foxy patiently teaches his lemmings to read the book, he can't return to reading it, either.


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行動救地球!改變世界環保名人傳 勒維爾 BC 784 小學中文知識類區 印度鄉村少女烏巴多,為何起身對抗極端氣候? 熱愛衝浪的澳洲青年,竟研發起海洋垃圾桶? 義大利小鎮教師,又是如何喚醒全歐洲投入零廢棄運動? 嚴選超過40位近現代環保人士或團體, 描述他們如何起心動念,繼而挺身為地球發聲的故事。 是最熱切誠懇的呼籲,激勵我們做出改變!
魔法十年屋1 : 想不想試試時間的魔法? 廣嶋玲子 EFC P1-01 小學中文兒童小說區 有些心愛的物品,即使壞了也捨不得丟。 正因為是充滿回憶的物品,所以也希望可以把它們好好保管在某個地方。 歡迎光臨魔法師開放給有緣人的魔法十年屋, 能用魔法為你保管重要的東西與回憶,並保證物品十年無損, 代價是一年的人生,你敢不敢交換?
春天,大家都在做什麼? = : Rotraut Susanne Berners Frühlings-Wimmelbuch 羅陶蘇珊娜.伯納 EC C16-01 小學中文繪本區 冬天過去緊接著春天來了。在這美好的天氣裡,路上處處可見人和動物,在花園、城市郊區的農場、市場、街道上、百貨公司和公園。羅陶蘇珊娜・伯納在圖畫裡描繪了許多在春日裡發生的小故事。《春天,大家都在做什麼?》這本充滿創意、探索、想像的無字圖畫書,是作者繪製「四季系列」之一,其他還有《夏天,大家都在做什麼?》、《秋天,大家都在做什麼?》、《冬天,大家都在做什麼?》,以及《夏夜,大家都在做什麼?》。五部作品描繪德國小鎮的四季風光和景物,以及書中許多人物和動物的生活點滴,以同樣的七個場景,經由冬、春、夏、秋的交替,刻畫出一年的季節,以及仲夏夜裡歐洲小鎮的景物和風貌。
The cockroach Gravel, Elise SE DIS 小學英文系列繪本區 Hilarious illustrated non-fiction about cockroaches perfect for beginning readers. You'll bug out over this perfect pairing of humorous text and funny illustrations about this insect that's been around for over 335 million years!
Cars : engines that move you Dan Zettwoch BE 308-11 小學英文知識類區 In Dan Zettwoch's Science Comics: Cars, you'll learn where cars came from and how they work. When you pop the hood, what are you looking at? How does gasoline--or electric batteries, or even steam--make a car move? Rev up your motor and take look at the combustible history of the automobile and its explosive effects on our modern lives.
The adventurers guild 1 Zack Loran Clark SF ADV V.1 小學英文系列少年小說 In one of the last cities standing after the world fell to monsters, best friends Zed Kagari and Brock Dunderfel have high hopes for the future. Zed desperately wishes to join the ranks of the Mages Guild, where his status as Freestone's only half elf might finally be an asset. Brock, the roguishly handsome son of merchants, is confident he'll be welcomed into the ranks of the Merchants Guild.


封面 書名 作者 索書號 簡介
神探包青天1:黑色預言 凌偉駿 FC H2-03 一個神祕預言突然出現, 預示著開封府即將因為某個人的到來, 變得日月無光,噩運連連…… 城內人心惶惶之際, 竟發現即將上任的府尹包拯, 外貌居然跟預言描述的魔頭一模一樣!! 而且在同一時間, 開封府竟然有許多童男童女集體失蹤了? 到底這其中隱藏了多少驚天的可怕祕密……
般度戰士3:許願樹之謎 洛希妮‧查克西 MFC M0-01 神魔大戰一觸即發,關鍵的許願樹卻蹤跡成謎。 般度戰士們要在五天內找到它, 而這一切還必須祕密進行…… 亞露和般度姊妹們出發拯救兩個「目標」,任務表面上看似完成,卻讓般度戰士們陷入了信任危機,被天神勒令禁止行動。 亞露相信,唯有如意樹有機會扭轉他們的劣勢,甚至阻止戰爭。 但眼前這棵樹似乎不太對勁……在處處危機的狀態下,般度戰士們能否搶先在蟄伏魔王之前得到許願的機會? 即使找到了,似乎還有更多問題必須擔心啊……
我的世界幻遊 布雲里耶 EC N1-07 「家裡好無聊喔!不知道森林的外面有些什麼呢?」 居住在森林小屋的女孩,用想像力開啟了一段環遊世界的驚奇之旅。 她帶著寵物犰狳.「小犰」,從故鄉的森林來到城市,再從大都市出發,攀上高山、渡過海洋、穿過叢林和海島、飛越沙漠,抵達世界的盡頭。 途中看見好多神奇的動植物、充滿特色的建築物和交通工具,與超多有趣的人事物相遇,最後她的終點會是哪裡呢? 搭乘小女孩的想像力,一同踏上跨越幻想與現實的魔幻旅程,看見世界充滿驚奇。 從繁華都會到遼闊沙漠;從高山之巔到叢林深處。 出發吧,來趟搭乘想像力的奇幻旅程!
The Imagination Station 1: Voyage with the Vikings Hering, Marianne; McCusker, Paul; Hohn, David SEF IMA While visiting Mr. Whittaker at Whit's Soda Shoppe, Beth and Patrick find a mysterious letter in the Imagination Station requesting a Viking sunstone. The letter is old and says that someone named Albert will be imprisoned if the sunstone isn't found. Mr. Whittaker sends cousins Patrick and Beth to Greenland circa 1000. On their quest for the sunstone, the cousins meet Vikings Erik the Red and Leif Eriksson--and find the sunstone as they join Leif on his first voyage to North America. But the adventure is just beginning, for when they return to Mr. Whittaker's workshop with the sunstone, there is another note waiting for them, requesting a silver goblet. Join Patrick and Beth as they continue their travel to various lands and time in the Imagination Station book series.
The Magic School Bus 1: The Truth about Bats Moore, Eva SEF MAG The Magic School Bus takes Ms. Frizzle and her class on a trip around the United States looking for bats. During the trip the class learns many amazing facts about bats, including what they eat, where they live, how echolocation works, and more.
The Year of Sharing Gilbert, Harry MSF BOO Richard is bored with the quiet life of his village. He would like to have a motor-car and drive it . . . very fast. But Richard lives in a future world where there are no cars, only bicycles and small villages and green forests. And now he is twelve years old, and like the other children, he must do his Year of Sharing. He must live alone in the forest with the wild animals. He must learn to share his world; he must learn how animals live and eat and fight . . . and die.


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吉卜力工作室的各式各樣的食物 鍾嘉惠 E H8-01 巴魯和希達一起分著吃的麵包和荷包蛋、 波妞最愛吃的火腿、白龍為千尋做的飯糰、 霍爾用卡西法的火煎出的培根蛋……。 動畫迷最愛,網路討論度超高! 吉卜力動畫長片中的各式各樣食物! 跟著一部部的作品,回顧記憶中的美味嚮往, 經典動畫作品巡禮,找找當時沒注意到的細節。
養心1:消失的生死玦 陳郁如 MF P0-01 十四歲少女晨欣因為一場意外失去性命。 她的靈心來到養心池後,滯心澤的力量突然壯大,令人擔心這一切與消失千年的第六塊玉器有關。 正當使者們努力找出騷動背後的原因時,晨欣發現她的靈心裡竟然跑出另一個意識,那意識不僅有自己的想法,更鼓勵晨欣冒險,隻身前往滯心澤……
動物狂想曲 布朗;巴托利;劉清彥 E J2-01 快點跟著指揮家老鼠和他的朋友,一起穿越森林、越過大草原、潛入海洋,你會遇見蹦蹦跳跳的袋鼠、快樂的河馬、跳舞的野豬、敏捷的花豹,還有超級巨大的藍鯨! 你可能會在路上發現老鼠大師為你準備的驚喜,可能是一隻嗡嗡嗡的蜜蜂,也可能是一堆能拼出線索的字母符號,甚至是一個等待你解開的密碼。
101 small WAYS TO CHANGE THE WORLD Aubre Andrus 729-1 It's hard to believe that you could change the world, but it's true We'll show you loads of awesome ways to help out family, friends, yourself and the planet - and show how you're never too young to make a big difference. Includes random acts of kindness, craft projects, energy-saving ideas, and much more. 101 Small Ways to Change the World is a practical, fun and creative book to inspire you at home, school and in your local community and beyond Remember, all big ideas start with just one person who decides to do things differently. You could be that person.
Understanding The News Dell Pamela M 004-1 It is more and more apparent that it is hard to tell the difference between real and fake news. If teachers flunk tests about it, how can they teach their students to understand what's what? Fake and real news items are thrown at us daily, on tv, on the internet, on the streets of our cities; everywhere we look and even when we don't think we're looking. Easy-to-understand text, simple infographics, quizzes, and lots of examples helps kids learn how to crack the code of real vs. fake news.
Becoming Obama Michelle M 785 OBA In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As First Lady of the United States of America--the first African American to serve in that role--she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, while also establishing herself as a powerful advocate for women and girls in the U.S. and around the world, dramatically changing the ways that families pursue healthier and more active lives, and standing with her husband as he led America through some of its most harrowing moments. Along the way, she showed us a few dance moves, crushed Carpool Karaoke, and raised two down-to-earth daughters under an unforgiving media glare.


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語風之靈 III:血冠女王 荷莉.布萊克 MF I5-01 王與少女的婚約,以真愛與背叛締結,用鮮血與新生永恆—— 取得權力可比掌握權力要容易得多。離開埃爾法默,重返人間的茱德學到了這個教訓。 過去用盡力氣追求的事物全部落空,如今支持著她不被擊垮的只有強烈的復仇意志——耐心等待、伺機而動, 卡登從她身上奪走的一切,她必定要奪回來!
跆拳少女 張英珉 FC B0-01 我的成長過程中,從幼稚園、國小下課的時間裡,我幾乎都在道館裡度過,對著踢靶練習踢擊,啪──啪──啪──啪──與其坐在角落不知道要幹麻, 不如跟著哥哥姐姐們一起練習還比較有趣,我跟著林教練一起練跆拳,逐漸升級,國小一年級時拿到黑帶。 沒想到在入段典禮觀摩學習,我遇到因父母離異從小分開十年之久的妹妹,和我長的一模一樣,但我們個性完全不同,看著她的姿態動作,她就像是我希望自己成為「想像中的樣子」, 如果當初爸爸抱著我去美國,我會有什麼不一樣? 這次六月的盃賽沒想到妹妹居然減重和我參加同一量級的比賽,這該如何是好?我要怎樣才能打敗另外一個「自己」?
出發吧!環遊世界國家公園 亞歷珊卓‧米契林斯卡;丹尼爾‧米契林斯基 305-15 一封神祕的信,開啟了一趟精采的冒險旅程!


Pages & Co. 1, the bookwanderers Anna James SF PAG Since her mother's disappearance, eleven-year-old Tilly Pages has found comfort in the stories at Pages & Co., her grandparents' bookshop. But when her favorite characters, Anne of Green Gables and Alice from Wonderland, start showing up at the shop,Tilly's adventures become very real. Not only can she follow Anne and Alice into their books, she discovers she can bookwander into any story she chooses. Tilly's new ability leads her to fun and exciting adventures, but danger may be lurking on the very next page...
A Life Like Mine: How Children Live Around the World DK BE 542 A Life Like Mine profiles children from all over the globe leading their lives in different and fascinating ways. The challenges of nations both developed and developing are revealed in the stories and photographs in this special volume. DK and UNICEF have combined their inspirational forces to provide remarkable insight into children's lives.
The Curious Garden Peter Brown EE C While out exploring one day, a little boy named Liam discovers a struggling garden and decides to take care of it. As time passes, the garden spreads throughout the dark, gray city, transforming it into a lush, green world. This is an enchanting tale with environmental themes and breathtaking illustrations that become more vibrant as the garden blooms. Red-headed Liam can also be spotted on every page, adding a clever seek-and-find element to this captivating picture book.

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